The Left’s newfound love of John McCain is just an extension of their hatred of Donald Trump

The Left’s newfound love of John McCain is just an extension of their hatred of Donald Trump
John McCain (Image: CNN video screen grab)

On Sunday, LU’s Howard Portnoy pointed out the hypocrisy of the Left in slamming Donald Trump for his criticism of the late John McCain over revelations that the Arizona senator was involved in the FBI’s receipt of a copy of the largely debunked Steele dossier. Members of the elite media like CBS News’s Kathryn Watson were mortally offended that the president would besmirch the memory of a war hero.

On Wednesday, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer tweeted out his plan to re-introduce a bill he had authored re-naming the Senate Russell Building after McCain.

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In fairness to Schumer, he did praise John McCain — at least on one occasion. It was in February of 2017 when McCain and fellow RINOs Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted to to reject a Republican healthcare bill that would have supplanted Obamacare. Here is a video praising the three for “their courage.”

But apart from this moment, the Left has been anything but bullish on John McCain. Before his vote to save their beloved Obamacare, the Left’s true opinion of him blanketed opinion pages. Here’s New York Times columnist Paul Krugman penned an article titled “The Sanctimony and Sin of G.O.P. ‘Moderates’”:

Everyone in the world of opinion spends a lot of time talking about the awfulness of Donald Trump — and with plenty of reason. But can we take a moment to consider the awfulness of Senator John McCain? …

McCain has been a crucial enabler of the Senate’s shame — and a world-class hypocrite to boot. On Tuesday, he cast the decisive vote allowing this whole process to proceed, with no Democratic votes. Then he gave a sanctimonious speech denouncing partisanship and divisiveness, and declared that while he voted to allow debate to begin, he would never vote for the existing Senate bill without major changes.

James Fallows of The Atlantic practically blamed McCain for the sins of the world, writing:

John McCain knows that he will also be remembered for having lost that race, and having lost his cool by “suspending” his campaign (while trailing in the polls) supposedly to concentrate on the financial emergency, and of course for steering American politics down the path that led to Donald Trump by choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Now we are expected to believe that liberals “heart” the man they so reviled when the truth is so plain: Their newfound adoration of John McCain is nothing more than the latest opportunity to spite Trump by seeming to go against him.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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