Dem pol who used n-word: ‘A word not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth’

Dem pol who used n-word: ‘A word not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth’
Mary Ann Lisanti (right) interviewed by local reporter (Image: WJZ video screen grab)

Using a word not in one’s vocabulary? That feat of cognitive legerdemain has landed a white Maryland delegate in deep hot water. According to The Washington Post, the delegate, Mary Ann Lisanti, was at an after-hours gathering at a cigar bar in Annapolis when she described the state’s predominantly black Prince George’s County to a fellow white colleague as a “n*gger district.”

Lisanti, who claims she does not recall using the racial slur, said in an apology, “I am sickened that a word that is not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth.” I’m not sure how that happens or if it’s even possible. In any case, Lisanti has agreed to undergo sensitivity training — which is ludicrous. She already understands that using the n-word (which obviously is in her vocabulary) is wrong and said as much in her apology: “I understand that the use of inappropriate and insensitive language is not acceptable under any circumstance.” What kind of “training,” short of swatting her behind with a rolled-up newspaper, is going to break her of the habit of using it?

Meantime, according to Baltimore CBS affiliate WJZ, calls for Lisanti to resign are mounting.

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The African-American Democratic Clubs of Maryland want for her to leave immediately.

A legislative aide told WJZ the outcome could set a bad example.

“This is not ok. This, it should not be tolerated. For her to stay in here, what is Annapolis saying to our constituents.” said aide Nina McHugh.

Lisanti has already vacated her leadership position. Whether or not she succumbs to the calls for her ouster, it is fair to say that if she were a Republican she would already be gone.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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