Trump, Pelosi agree on new SOTU date

Trump, Pelosi agree on new SOTU date
Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump at 2018 SOTU (Image via Mental Recession)

Within the last hour, reports have erupted on the new date selected for Trump’s State of the Union address to Congress. The date, according to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s invitation letter to the president, is February 5.

In the letter, Pelosi refers to a mutual agreement reached during a conversation between the two of them on Monday, January 28.

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The letter indicates that the date was agreed on, and thus would have been no surprise to Trump when her invitation was announced.

Nevertheless, all the mainstream media outlets are showcasing this in the headlines as “Pelosi inviting Trump.”  In spite of the evidence that Trump has already agreed, some outlets are even saying it isn’t clear if Trump will accept the new date.

Assuming the speech is given as suggested, Trump will have his opportunity to address the nation from the House chamber on Capitol Hill.  As some right-wing pundits have pointed out, that means the Democrats in Congress will have the opportunity to show their displeasure with Trump in various ways during the speech. Congressional guests in the gallery could even include people planning to behave disruptively.

Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing for Democrats remains to be seen.  It might not go over as well with the American people as the Democrats imagine.

The controversy preceding this SOTU, meanwhile, may guarantee that it’s the most-watched presidential speech in years.

For those manning the Ruth Bader Ginsburg watch, a reminder: she didn’t attend last year’s SOTU.

LU Staff

LU Staff

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