Yipes. Maybe Elizabeth Warren should have stuck to the claim she was an American Indian. In the process of giving up that delusion she seems to have come up short a few brain cells.
Warren, who recently threw her war bonnet — er, hat — in the ring, was on CNN to discuss the government shutdown, now into its second month. In responding to Anderson Cooper’s suggestion that maybe ultimately the Democrats will need to make some concessions if the government is to reopen, Warren declared, “There are two co-equal branches of government: the president of the United States and the Congress.”
Sen. Warren doesn't know how many branches of government exist: "There are two co-equal branches of government, the president of the United States and the Congress"
Wow! Breath taking! AOC & now Liz?! How many more like them in gov't? smh pic.twitter.com/YgR4kTxScM
— Red Nation Rising (@RedNationRising) January 24, 2019
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Hmm. Who knew there were only two co-equal branches? Not educational publisher Scholastic, which notes in an online lesson plan intended for students as young as Grade 3:
The powers of our federal (national) government are divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The branches are separate but equal. They each have special responsibilities concerning laws, the principles that govern our nation. [Emphasis added]
One might have expected this type of blunder from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who in a videoconference call posted at Facebook in November expressed her hope that Democrats would “take back all three chambers of Congress.” She quickly “corrected” herself, saying, “All three chambers of government.” She then took a third stab, clarifying that she meant the “presidency, the Senate, and the House.”
It’s not clear whether the judiciary was the chamber — er, branch — that Warren was omitting, but if it was, that’s because Democrats are down on the Supreme Court now that it is “controlled” by the evil Republicans.