Not just that, but she apparently labors under the misapprehension that detention camps along the southern border arose “spontaneously.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Left’s worst joke on America since the election and re-election of Barack Obama, said last night during her much-publicized interview with Anderson Cooper on CBS’s “60 Minutes”:
If people really want to blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue they are missing the forest for the tree [sic]. I think there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right. [Emphasis added]
Ocasio-Cortez has said a lot of outrageous things, but to attach less value to the immutable facts than to her wholly subjective sense of what’s morally right is a new low for her.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
But she wasn’t finished for the day. She also had this to say on Twitter:
This admin clearly had enough extra money to spontaneously build child detention camps all along the southern border + conduct a massive, cross-country family-separation operation.
If anything, DHS’s horrific actions last year means we should consider budget cuts, not increases.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 6, 2019
Maybe she was asleep this past May when a brouhaha arose when pictures of migrant children asleep in what appeared to be cages turned out to have been taken during the Obama years.
Ocasio-Cortez was till tending bar and thus perhaps not up on current events when the New York Times ran a story in 2014 about the opening of the country’s largest immigration detention facility in Dilley, Texas. The 50-acre facility, described by the Times as holding “up to 2,400 migrants who have illegally crossed the border and … especially designed to hold women and their children,” was hailed by Jeh C. Johnson, Barack Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security, as a deterrent to border crossings. [Emphasis added]
Ocasio-Cortez’s passing acquaintance with reality may have been enough to get her elected from a heavily Democratic and Hispanic congressional district in New York. But when even usually sympathetic sources like the Washington Post concede that “record numbers of migrant families are streaming into the United States,” creating a genuine border crisis, it is time for Ocasio-Cortez to get off her soapbox and into the Library of Congress’s Reading Room.