It seems that some companies have decided to punish those who hold a certain political point of view. As we reported earlier, the car rental company Enterprise declared war on law abiding NRA members by ending discounts to those affiliated with the group. Now we can add Delta and United Airlines to the list of companies kowtowing to far-left bots doing the bidding of Think Progress.
“Delta is reaching out to the NRA to let them know we will be ending their contract for discounted rates through our group travel program. We will be requesting that the NRA remove our information from their website,” the airlines said in a tweet posted early this morning.
Delta is reaching out to the NRA to let them know we will be ending their contract for discounted rates through our group travel program. We will be requesting that the NRA remove our information from their website.
— Delta (@Delta) February 24, 2018
United followed two hours later with a tweet of its own:
United is notifying the NRA that we will no longer offer a discounted rate to their annual meeting and we are asking that the NRA remove our information from their website.
— United Airlines (@united) February 24, 2018
Translation: To hell with law-abiding gun owners who may be members of the NRA.
Naturally, this didn’t too well with many, although low-information supporters of Think Progress’s bots were thrilled to hear the news.
Wow, looks like I won’t be flying delta anymore.
— Jonathan Gonzalez (@_shysty) February 24, 2018
Sorry to hear you feel this way. We would like to help, but we are unable to communicate with the passenger via this channel unless she tweets us. *HCA
— Delta (@Delta) February 24, 2018
One person admonished United:
Why do companies insist on playing politics and risk losing a lot of business? The NRA didn’t cause this. Law enforcement failures are mostly responsible #badbusiness $UAL #unitedairlines
— 991turbo (@wide_tires) February 24, 2018
The reason is simple: These companies think they’ll attract more business by caving to demands from radical left-wing groups like Think Progress. They may get some accolades in the beginning, but something tells me they’ll realize — as is so often the case — that inserting politics into their business is a losing proposition.
In this case, the airlines are effectively declaring war on law-abiding members of the oldest civil rights group in the country over a shooting that neither they nor the organization to which they belong had absolutely no part of.
According to the Washington Post:
Hours before the airline reversed itself on Saturday, a Delta spokesman had defended its discount for NRA members traveling to the group’s convention in May. In a statement to the liberal outlet ThinkProgress, the spokesman had called the contract “routine” for large groups, adding that it “has more than 2,000 such contracts in place. ”
The NRA claims 5 million members, takes in tens of millions of dollars each year through memberships, and devotes massive resources to fighting gun regulations in the name of constitutional protections that guarantee Americans the right to bear arms.
The group has faced public anger before — after the massacre of schoolchildren at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, for example. But it has always fought back against pushes for gun-law reforms, and efforts to significantly restrict firearms inevitably die out as public fury over the shootings ebbs.
And it looks like there’s more to come, with Orwellian leftists now demanding tech companies refuse to stream NRATV content:
Also, not every company has yielded to the boycott effort. FedEx, for example, still gives NRA Business Alliance members up to a 26 percent discount on shipping expenses.
Gun-control organizations Moms Demand Action and Everytown sent a letter Friday asking five companies — Google, Amazon, Apple, AT&T and Roku — to cease streaming NRATV, saying “it’s time for tech leaders to acknowledge their role in helping the NRA spread this dangerous content.” But the streams remain. [Emphasis added]
Still, as more and more corporations break with the NRA, there are signs that the movement is swaying lawmakers as well as corporations. For example, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and other Republicans have endorsed banning assault rifle sales to anyone under age 21 — which the NRA opposes. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), on the other hand, was jeered at a recent CNN town hall for saying he would continue to accept political contributions from the gun rights group.
And here’s a list of 15 more companies that have chosen to punish NRA members for a shooting they had nothing to do with:
15 brands have now ended their relationship with the @NRA:
1. @MetLife
2. @symantec
3. @BestWestern
4. @Wyndham
5. @Alamo
6. @NationalPro
7. @Enterprise
8. @FNBOmaha
9. @Hertz
10. @Budget
11. @Avis
12. @NortonOnline
13. @northAmericanVL
14. @SimpliSafe
15. @ChubbNA#BoycottNRA— Power to the People ☭🕊 (@ProudSocialist) February 23, 2018
We can’t help but wonder — does Think Progress really want to have a second civil war over our Constitutional rights? It sure seems that way.
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