‘Auntie’ Maxine Waters falsely claims Trump defended KKK in fact-free response to SOTU

‘Auntie’ Maxine Waters falsely claims Trump defended KKK in fact-free response to SOTU

On Wednesday, Maxine Waters, the Trump-hating California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and conspiracy theories regarding the Russians, delivered what appeared to be a carefully-scripted response to President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. The speech, unencumbered by fact, included a ludicrous claim that Trump defended the Ku Klux Klan after the melee in Charlottesville.

“Donald Trump defined himself in his response to the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville when he defended white supremacists and the KKK even after a young woman protesting against racism was killed by a white supremacist,” she falsely asserted.

Trump, as we and others reported, did no such thing and actually condemned hate from all sides in the incident. And yes, there was violence coming from both sides, as an eyewitness told us shortly afterward.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Waters also falsely claimed that Trump “targeted Muslims with his travel ban,” referring to orders restricting travel from a few countries known to be hotbeds of terrorism in an effort to keep jihadists out of the country.

She decried Trump’s effort to unite the country, claiming that “he’s not presidential” and never will be.

“But make no mistake,” she said, “he is a dangerous, unprincipled, divisive and shameful racist.”

She further accused Trump of trying to make people believe that “all of their problems are caused by people of color.” Of course, she offered no proof of her outrageous and absolutely false statement.

Waters suggested that when Trump appears on television, there should be a disclaimer that says, “This may not be acceptable for children.”

Of course, no speech by Waters would be complete without a conspiracy theory involving Russia. She claimed — again without a shred of evidence — that Trump shows “admiration” for “dictator Putin” and asserted that Russia “interfered with our election.”

Waters called her speech a “warning” that Trump “does not deserve to represent” the United States.

She also castigated Trump for taking credit for the economy, which has boomed under his leadership, and instead tried to divert credit to Barack Obama.

And of course, Waters finished with a call for Trump’s impeachment, saying the “time is now” that he be removed from office.

“We must organize, challenge and resist,” she said.

Waters got hammered on Twitter:


The truth, of course, is the complete opposite of absolutely everything Waters said. The division in America is the direct result of liberals and their mainstream media masters spreading hatred and lies. And yes, that includes Waters herself. Fortunately, it seems that despite Waters’s efforts, the American people are beginning to wake up if the polls are any indication.

A post at RedState noted:

From the beginning, it was obvious why BET waited to release the response rather than jump on the internet wave the night of the SOTU speech. They needed to make sure she didn’t say anything crazy. Ironically, Waters took the same path as President Trump, choosing to carefully stick to the script.

Even crazy people have good advisors.

The result was a clearly edited, measured response that most certainly did nothing to endear Waters to the base who have inexplicably foisted her to celebrity pop culture status. The congresswoman became beloved for her impulsive, if not zany remarks and attitude. Muting that with a script had the predictable consequences of making her look like a typical, boring, old politician.

Waters’ response didn’t even graze the very tip of intellectual. Instead, it was filled with #fakenews headlines, talking points and pablum for the base.

Here’s video of her speech, fake news, false claims and all:

As a final note, Waters still has not condemned death threats against the president.

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Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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