Quote of the Day: ‘Who can you trust most not to show their penis in a professional setting?’

Quote of the Day: ‘Who can you trust most not to show their penis in a professional setting?’
Dana Nessel (Image: YouTube screen grab via Dana Nessel For Michigan Attorney General)

There are several things wrong with a campaign ad put out by Dana Nessel,  a Democratic candidate for Michigan attorney general. The least of them is her confusion of quantifiers in English, which is manifest in her assertion that “we need more women in positions of power, not less.” The context clearly calls for fewer.

Perhaps the most egregious mistake Nessel makes is when she asks prospective voters:

Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a penis? I’d say so.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

If I am a supporter of gender fluidity, and many Michiganders are, I’m going to take offense at the sexist suggestion that a “candidate who doesn’t have a penis” can’t transition into an office holder who does.

Now if you get the sense I am having fun at Nessel’s expense, you are to be commended for your perspicacity. But don’t think for a second that this jaw-droppingly stupid ad is the embarrassment to Democrats that it should be. Quite the contrary:


I grant that the recent flood of accusations of sexual misconduct should be on the minds of voters heading out to the polls. But even liberals should take offense at this overt case of misandry (the male equivalent of misogyny).

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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