Another Gold Star mother is speaking out about the media bias over President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama’s handling of military deaths.
Julie Schrock, whose Marine son, Corporal Max Donahue, was severely injured in Afghanistan in 2010 and died at the age of 23, said, “The media bias is obvious to anyone willing to dig a little deeper than just believing what they hear on the news.”
We recently covered a story from 2011 that detailed Obama’s decision to go against the wishes of 30 Gold Star families and bring cameras to the arrival of their loved ones’ military coffins at Andrews Air Force Base so that the president could exploit them for a photo op. There was much disrespect, but little media outrage at the time.
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Schrock’s story of disrespect from the previous administration is every bit as outrageous.
It certainly fits in with the previous narrative that Obama used an electronic pen to sign form letters to the families of the fallen.
Historian Nancy Beck Young examined one of those letters sent to Tom Logan in 2012. Logan’s son, USMC Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, was killed on Jan. 19, 2012.
Young reviewed the letter and concluded, “I would agree, this is a personal sacrifice and an impersonal condolence.”
Schrock’s story is even more heartbreaking – she received multiple copies of the same electronically signed letter from Obama!
“When my son died, then President Obama not only made no effort to reach out, but the condolence letter we received was signed by a computer,” Schrock said in a letter to the New York Post. “He didn’t even sign the letter!”
Schrock added, “Then, when I received multiple copies of the letter, I was told there was a computer ‘glitch’ that wasn’t fixed yet so more would probably keep coming and I should just throw them away. Not even a Sorry!”
She says she have reported the incident to her local news station, but the story garnered nowhere near the amount of attention Trump has received regarding his recent handling of condolence calls.
It was “sad and hurtful to say the least,” Schrock says.
Cross posted at the Mental Recession