‘How cool’ does Chelsea Clinton look? Inquiring minds at Variety want to know

‘How cool’ does Chelsea Clinton look? Inquiring minds at Variety want to know

Chelsea Clinton has the charisma of a speed bump and about as much charm as her mother, but that isn’t stopping the media from pushing her down the public’s throat as “edgy” and “cool.

As a case in point, Variety magazine Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller, who upon seeing an image of Chelsea on their cover immediately wanted to know: “How cool does she look?”

So we decided to let our viewers judge – How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on the cover?

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You may recall Variety and Lifetime teamed up to name Clinton a recipient of “Impact Award,” an honor bestowed “for her work with Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which empowers kids to develop lifelong healthy habits.”

Because nothing says “achievement” quite like using your last name to earn high-profile positions at consulting firms, NBC News, and her family’s Clinton Foundation, rather than earning such distinctions through hard work.

Even if you wanted to award someone as unaccomplished as Chelsea with an achievement award, shouldn’t the body of work speak for itself? Why do the media insist on attempting to paint her as a hip, cool, charismatic character?

Social media users simply weren’t buying what Eller and Variety were selling, and responded in spectacular fashion.


And this about sums it up:

But … But … she makes spinach pancakes! That’s hip, isn’t it?

Cross-posted at Mental Recession

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss is editor of the Mental Recession, one of the top conservative blogs of 2012. His writings have appeared at the Daily Caller, American Thinker, FoxNews.com, Big Government, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.


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