Sorry, Hillary: Trump hasn’t been in an ISIS recruitment video … but your hubby has!

Sorry, Hillary: Trump hasn’t been in an ISIS recruitment video … but your hubby has!

According to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump’s “rhetoric has been seized on by the terrorists” as a recruiting tool.

I wouldn’t want to accuse Mrs. Clinton of lying (again). So instead le me simply put it this way. I have never seen an ISIS recruiting video that featured The Donald or his words. I have, however, seen one that includes another public figure … someone in fact close to Hillary (in proximity — they live in the same mansion — if in no other way).

It is from November 2015, and it stars, among other prominent Americans, former President Bill Clinton. The video, which follows, doesn’t identify him by name, but it does displays his image while calling him a fornicator.

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According to Heavy, the video’s title, “No Respite,” comes from Quran verse 71:

And recite to them the news of Noah, when he said to his people, “O my people, if my residence and my reminding of the signs of Allah has become burdensome upon you – then I have relied upon Allah. So resolve upon your plan and [call upon] your associates. Then let not your plan be obscure to you. Then carry it out upon me and do not give me respite.”

Besides Bubba, the video also contains shots of Secretary of State John Kerry, Senator [score]John McCain[/score], President George W. Bush, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. But no Trump.

Cross-posted at The Lid

Jeff Dunetz

Jeff Dunetz

Jeff Dunetz is editor and publisher of the The Lid, and a weekly political columnist for the Jewish Star and TruthRevolt. He has also contributed to, HotAir, and PJ Media’s Tattler.


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