LU contributor Joe Newby, who is currently writing the book (literally) on Facebook’s double standard when it comes to violations of community standards, has documented dozens of cases that put the lie to CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s protestation that his site is ideologically neutral and unbiased.
Earlier this month, for example, Joe reported that any user who claims there are but two genders will earn a 30-day stint in FB prison. More recently Jeff Dunetz wrote of a sting operation conducted by the Israel Law Center that betrays a very conspicuous double standard.
Facebook’s perfidy is nothing new. In 2014, I wrote about the social media giant’s refusal to allow a photograph of a sick infant to appear in its pages, because the image was deemed “scary, gory or sensational, and evokes a negative response.” A video of a kitten being set ablaze touched off no such alarm.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Now comes this, via The Foreign Desk:
A Facebook community called “Islamic Female Circumcision” was launched earlier this month with the stated goal of clarifying “misconceptions” around the Muslim faith’s practice of female genital mutilation or FGM. [Emphasis added]
The page even boasts a helpful post that explains the elusive benefits to women with no medical training who choose to cut themselves.
The site’s “About” page explains its purpose:
Our aim is to clear misconceptions of the Islamic practice of female circumcision and counter misinformation against it
And what are some of those misconceptions? Answers are provided by an article by Sri Lankan author Asiff Hussein titled “Female Circumcision – The Hidden Truth: How Misogynists and Feminists are feeding upon each other to denigrate an Islamic practice that brings untold benefits to women.”
In it, Hussein writes:
Much has been written about [FGM] even by Western Doctors but these studies have been conveniently overlooked to conform to Islamophobic sentiments expressed by a largely Jewish controlled media.
But the bigger question remains unanswered. That is why Facebook’s censors haven’t taken a knife of their own to the Islamic Female Circumcision page.