According to Nihad Awad, founder and executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islam and the U.S. are virtual peas in a pod when it comes to values.
In the video that follows courtesy of the Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI), Awad’s words echo above a backdrop of horrific images that include a Muslim man beating a woman on a sidewalk, the bodies of lifeless burka-clad women dumped in a pit, and Christians clutching crosses in their dead, blood-stained hands.
Awad claims the values commonly shared by Islam and America include “freedom, and especially freedom of religion, freedom of speech, protection for minorities, and spreading justice for all sectors of society.”
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His claims are a classic example of taqqiya — Qur’an-sanctioned deceit. Radicalized Islam is not only the greatest national security threat America faces. Its institutionalized brutality and human rights abuses of women are widespread throughout the world.
There is no such thing as free speech under Islamic rule, and there is no protection for minorities. In fact, few if any minorities live in Muslim-majority countries, where they are either murdered or forced to convert to Islam.
No justice exists under Islam other than that which is determined by the Qur’an and the laws and traditions derived from it.
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