At a campaign stop in New Hampshire recently, Hillary Clinton dismissed an insistent questioner as “very rude,” adding “I’m not going to ever call on you.”
The questioner, Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, is a Republican state representative who, according to Politico, “repeatedly heckled Clinton during her first town hall of 2016, telling reporters after the event that she wanted to confront” the former first lady about her hypocrisy when it came to the rights of rape victims.
“I was a Democrat,” Prudhomme-O’Brien is quoted as saying, “but I became a Republican because of … what I saw happen in the Clinton years, the hypocrisy of so-called women who fight for women.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
It is understandable that Hillary Clinton would want to dodge questions about her husband’s infidelity and especially the claims that he sexually assaulted several women.
But candidate Hillary was far less reluctant to field questions at the “black and brown” Democrat forum about whether she agrees that “white terrorism and extremism is as much a threat to some in this country as something like ISIS” and what “white privilege” has meant to her.
Below are videos of both, courtesy of The Right Scoop. Feel free to score her answers for yourself.