Mark Herring, Virginia’s radical anti-gun attorney general, and his boss, Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe, just might have to put their money where their mouth is on concealed carry permits.
Herring recently announced that Virginia would no longer recognize concealed carry handgun permits from more than two dozen other states.
The move, which the NRA estimates would effect 6.3 million concealed carry permit holders, has been called “a declaration of war against the Second Amendment.”
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There have been demands to recall or impeach Herring. But the best response would be this: Virginia GOP lawmakers are considering stripping the governor of his armed security detail.
Via the Kerry Picket of the Daily Caller:
Republican state legislators could strip Virginia Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe of his protective detail. Virginia Sen. Bill Carrico told The Herald Courier last Tuesday he plans to propose a budget amendment during the State Senate’s January Session that would defund the governor’s protective detail.
“A lot of the governor’s power is deferred to the General Assembly at that point and I’ll be getting with my colleagues to circumvent everything this governor has done on this point,” Carrico said. “I have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.”
Here’s video covering Virginia’s latest war on the Second Amendment:
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession