Actually, a tattoo with that message would be an improvement over the facial adornment that Paul Wayne Terry, 27, actually chose for himself since it would be free of obscenities.
Terry’s current tattoo, seen below — a pair of devil’s horns accompanied by the two-word message “F*ck Cops” — made him easy for his victim to identify and for police ultimately to track down.
Tulsa station KFOR reports that Sonja Moro, 29, and a male accomplice forced their way the apartment of her ex-boyfriend Friday evening around 5 p.m. and robbed the unidentified man at knifepoint.
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According to the police report, the male suspect … took out a knife and demanded the victim hand over his money. After allegedly taking the man’s wallet, the male suspect walked out of the apartment, The Tulsa World reports.
The woman reportedly stayed behind and demanded more money. She fled the scene after the victim said he was calling the police.
The victim’s description of the male suspect’s unique tattoos combined with the fact that he was in the company of the victim’s ex helped police apprehend him.
Terry and Moro were arrested over the weekend and booked into the Tulsa County Jail.
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