Using the San Bernardino terrorist attacks as an excuse, Brooklyn Democrats have introduced legislation that could limit ammunition sales to legal gun owners.
New York liberals have already introduced legislation that calls for confiscating guns, and now they’re adding this attempt to restrict ammunition as a backup plan.
Via the Brooklyn Eagle:
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State lawmakers from Brooklyn announced on Monday new legislation aimed at tightly restricting the sale of ammunition in New York.
The Senate and Assembly bills were drafted in an effort to keep potential terrorists from stocking up on ammo, according to sponsors state Sen. Roxanne Persaud and Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon. The twin bills are backed by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, who worked with Persaud and Simon to craft them.
The legislation would place a strict limit on the number of bullets a gun owner could purchase over a 90-day time period, and prevent gun dealers from selling ammunition for a firearm to anyone unauthorized to have such a weapon.
How that unauthorized list would be used isn’t revealed, though they’re likely referring to the FBI’s terror watch list or the federal no-fly list. This, despite serious flaws in those databases that even devout liberal media outlets have pointed out.
A post a the pro-Second Amendment site Bearing Arms quips, “Tyranny is clearly a New York state of mind,” adding, “These legislators simply want to exploit fears of terrorism towards their own long-time goals of gun control.”
Those long-term goals have actually been made into a wish list by Democrats, which includes several provisions that they’ve already attempted in usurping the Constitution. You can see that list by clicking here, and checking out number 7, which seeks to limit possession of ammunition to no more than two magazines.
Adams is a big fan of tyranny. Earlier this year, the former Democratic state senator had the Cuban flag hoisted above the New York state flag outside Brooklyn Borough Hall, and equated suppression in the island nation to that in the United States.
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession