A principal at a public elementary school in Brooklyn banned Santa Claus and the Pledge of Allegiance from her building. After a public backlash ensued, the irate superintendent of the district took action.
According to the New York Post, various sources over the weekend told them that “Santa Claus is banned, the Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited, ‘Harvest festival’ has replaced Thanksgiving, and ‘winter celebrations’ substitute for Christmas parties” in Brooklyn’s PS 169.
A day later, District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop stormed into the office and had two fifth graders recite the Pledge over the school’s PA system.
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Via the Post:
Sanity — and Santa — have been restored at a Brooklyn public elementary school where St. Nick was banned, the Pledge of Allegiance was dropped and Thanksgiving was replaced with a “harvest festival.”
The good news arrived at PS 169 in Sunset Park on Monday morning, a day after The Post exposed the bizarre PC extremism of Principal Eujin Jaela Kim.
Watch the video:
After people in the community complained about the ridiculous PC policies instituted by Kim, the school “reinstated” Santa Claus and “the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited over the PA system every morning.”
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession