Once again, the left demonstrates how expendable children are in its pursuit of its political ambitions.
Following the lead of Barack Obama, who exploited children back in 2014 to push his climate change agenda, an environmental law firm has transformed eight young students into “climate activist” pawns to help it pressure the state of Washington into implementing strict carbon emissions caps, a move that Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee is doing his part to advance.
Victor Skinner of EAGNews writes:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Andrea Rogers, an attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center, is suing the state with the help of eight young “climate activists” who testified before King County Judge Hollis Hill about why the state Department of Ecology should reduce carbon emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, Seattle Weekly reports.
Anything less, they argued, would lead to “intergenerational inequalities.”
Rogers secured excused absences for the students, aged 11 to 15, to plead her case reduce emissions below levels set by lawmakers in 2008 – 50 percent under 1990 levels by 2050. The group petitioned the Department of Ecology for the change, but the department declined. The response prompted the lawsuit, and Hill ordered the Department of Ecology to reconsider, but the request was essentially ignored.
Gov. Jay Inslee intervened and held a conference with several of the students, who “asked him to direct Ecology to promulgate a rule,” Rogers said, and the governor later requested the department enforce the 2008 limits. But Rogers and company weren’t satisfied, and decided to press their case in court.
“The leadership needs to say, ‘We’re taking action that is grounded in science,’” Rodgers said. “Unless and until Ecology says that, then these kids will keep fighting.”
According to The Stranger, “Their case rests on climate scientists advocating for emissions targets in line with a 1 degree Celsius increase in global surface temperatures by the end of the century, which is lower than the 1.5 or 2 degree Celsius increase used as a target by diplomats at the United Nations.”