Maybe it is a ray of hope — an indication that even the most rabid anti-police activists know when they’ve crossed the line. They did just last Tuesday when members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements appeared on a Texas-based online radio show called “Sunshines F**king Opinion.” The panel of experts urged listeners to help “turn the tide” by systematically lynching white people and cops in order to send a disapproving message about the killing of blacks in America.
Yesterday at some point, the show’s host, Sunshine (aka Carol Sullivan), took down her website following a flood of negativity. Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be), the podcast lives on in the long, unforgiving memory of the internet and follows (warning: extreme profanity and disturbing images):
There is no such thing as good timing when your message is something as incendiary, hate-filled, and misguided as this, but in this case the timing could not have been worse. The day after the podcast aired, a deranged black gunman with a history of racial paranoia murdered a TV host and her cameraman on-air before ultimately tuning the gun on himself. No, I am not suggesting that this imbecilic and inconsequential show motivated the murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward by Vesper Lee Flanagan. I do believe, however, that as the Black Lives Matter lunacy continues to fester and metastasize unchecked, there will be more senseless “prevenge” (to coin a term) killings.
If you need further proof of how serious this situation has become, consider this relatively sane and rational reaction by Carol Sullivan to news of murder of Deputy Darren Goforth in Harris County, Texas:
RIP #DarrenGoforth 🙁
So tragic. Just like the tragic death of #TamirRice #MikeBrown #aiyanajones #TrayvonMartin #ezellford & #SandraBland— Marley the Mermaid 🧜🏾♀️ (@MelaninMonheaux) August 30, 2015
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