As conservatives gain ground in the campaign to depose John Boehner as House Speaker, there is a new hope that the volume of the conservative voice – the voter’s voice – is growing stronger and will only become bolder in the new Congress.
Using 2014 as a gauge, we can predict that 2015 is sure to bring a host of surprises and challenges to our country. Last year we witnessed events in areas ranging from economics to social tension that no one could have predicted. To say we live in uncertain times is a gross understatement.
Despite tensions in the Middle East, the price of oil has plummeted since June with prices reaching lows not seen since 2009. The corresponding drop in gasoline prices led consumers to purchase larger vehicles including SUVs and shun electric cars that central planners wanted Americans to buy. Market forces triumphed and frankly scuttled Obama’s plan to have 1.5 million electric cars on the road by 2015.
The tragic deaths of two unarmed black men resulted in social unrest and the assassination of two New York City policemen in a retaliatory strike against police. The attack against police was a direct consequence of a months-long propaganda campaign led by Al Sharpton and aided by President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
In 2014, Sharpton was revealed as a key advisor to Obama. Since 2009, Sharpton has visited the White House over sixty times.
On the political front, voters rejected big government overreach and Obama’s unprecedented lying in the November midterms. As a result, Republicans made huge political gains including taking control of the Senate.
As we know, Republican control does not automatically translate into a smaller and leaner government. The recent budget deal with Obama is another reminder that Republican Party leaders will sacrifice principle for political peace. With numerous major policy battles facing the U.S. this year, we can’t be confident that the new Republican Congress will find the courage to confront Obama and his political and media allies.
At the very beginning of the launch of 2015, we find an uncertain and volatile world with Obama, Speaker Boehner (R-Ohio), and newly minted Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-Ky.) at the helm. Indeed, that’s very troubling.
Obviously, something must be done.
Volatile times and poor leadership, however, are not necessarily a recipe for disaster. It’s a call for Americans to stand up and take action.
We can’t control the future but we do have a say in what Congress does in response to a troubled world. We can avoid policy failures and set a good course for America if good people stand up and hold our elected officials accountable.
As Americans, we have the responsibility to use our individual voices to pressure our representatives to act on our behalf. After all, they work for us and not the special interest flavor of the month.
It was not that long ago I was politically uninvolved and detached. After getting frustrated about the direction of the country – I got involved. I quickly learned the impact of my voice when I started to speak up about a government that has gone wild. Now I’m on the front lines defending liberty and I’m asking you to help me, and our country.
Nature abhors a vacuum so let’s fill the political void with your voice for liberty. Together let’s make 2015 the year you exercise your political voice and the year of political accountability.
Cross-posted at DeneenBorelli.com