No, that wasn’t a misprint above.
From the “imagine if this had this been said by a Republican” file, comes Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who discussed sexual assault allegations against a Tennessee Titans player with this strange explanation:
I don’t keep up with football, except college football, except Eli Manning or Peyton Manning. And Eli and Peyton don’t do sexual assaults against people other than their wives.
Now, we know what some of you are thinking – there’s no way that a prominent lawmaker such as Cohen could possibly make such an asinine comment like that.
But, lo, there is video proof. Watch:
TMZ first reported the story, and labeled Cohen’s comment the “gaffe of the year.” That’s open to debate. During last year’s State of the Union speech, Cohen was caught tweeting the mesage “I love you” on his Blackberry. The recipient was a 24-year-old model. He would later claim that the model was his daughter, though a paternity test would reveal that was not the case.
After making his curious claim about the Mannings, Cohen issued a statement saying he was trying to convey that the brothers are in monogamous relationships. If that’s true, if the comment was intended as a statement of admiration for the men’s fidelity to their spouses, it had to be the most backhanded compliments every delivered.
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession