We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to bring you the first unofficial campaign ad of the 2016 presidential race. Yes, it is way early for either side to be assailing the other’s hypocrisy and, no, there is no guarantee that former Secretary of State and presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. If she is, however, the video that follows could assuredly come back to bite her in the pantsuit.
Now back to our program. Last night on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report with Bret Baier,” Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard declared that Barack Obama’s executive amnesty has “weakened the office of the president.” We understand Hayes’s meaning but would argue that Obama’s latest and greatest power grab has strengthened the presidency, albeit in a perverse way. He has established a precedent that can be exploited by future administrations to essentially enact sweeping legislation without the imprimatur of the legislative branch.
Which brings us to the question of whether the next Republican president will follow Obama’s lawless lead or the move the needle on executive authority back to where the Founders intended. Let us all hope fervently that it is the latter. Let’s hope that this current ugly chapter in the history of the American presidency will be viewed as an aberration and that the United States can return to a nation of laws.