How the mighty have fallen. Time was when the press knew its place. Reporters accepted as gospel the view that when President Barack Obama rose to the podium in the White House press briefing room, they would ask about the most pressing issues of the day. But yesterday they failed him.
Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering encapsulate the grim news in a tweet:
*Video* “President Obama bummed that reporters forgot his birthday..”
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 1, 2014
Horrors! Obama turns 53 on Monday. And although he put up a brave front, he was clearly a little disappointed — maybe even a trifle vexed — that reporters didn’t begin the Q & A by asking him what his plans are for his big day. Twitchy takes the pulse of ordinary Americans who reacted to Spiering’s tweet. Here are two of those:
Israel is pounded by missiles, Russia is invading Ukraine, there’s an Ebola epidemic, and Obama wants the press to ask about his birthday. — Princess Chelsea (@chelsea_elisa) August 1, 2014
How did this empty suit, leaning on his elbow on the podium, begging for birthday wishes, ever get elected president?
— Vern Demerest (@TxAv8r) August 1, 2014