You are probably familiar with the “Serenity Prayer,” written by American theologian Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr. If not, here it is:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Maybe Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should give the verse a once-over, especially the part about accepting things he can’t change.
Last week, after the Supreme Court ruled on the Hobby Lobby case, Reid reacted by saying, “If the Supreme Court will not protect women’s access to health care, then Democrats will.” Today, he doubled down on that idle threat, stating on the Senate floor, “We’re going to do something about the Hobby Lobby legislation.”
Like what? one might ask. Appeal the decision to the More Supreme Court? Here Reid is, talcum-powdery voice and all, bellyaching about a decision he change and lacking the wisdom to know it: