Last week, in what can only be described as an utterly classless move, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) issued a press release calling Republican congressional candidate and Lee Zeldin “a coward” for refusing to reveal his putative position on the Paul Ryan budget plan. What made the use of that epithet especially ill-chosen is the fact that Zeldin is an Iraq War veteran, having heroically served as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division.
The release was accompanied by a visual aide provided by the DCCC press secretary Marc Bruner, who tweeted out a picture of Zeldin as the Cowardly Lion from “The Wizard of Oz.” Here is a cropped version of the image which the DCCC would now like to have erased from the internet, if not from the memory of all who saw it:
Zeldin’s opponent, Tim Bishop, couldn’t even muster the courage himself to issue an apology, instead sending a spokesman out to blame the DCCC and Brumer:
“Bishop would not have used those words nor does he approve of them,” said his campaign manager Keith Davies. He said Bishop has “enormous respect and gratitude” for Zeldin’s military service.
Zeldin, responded to Bruner by calling him “a liberal Democrat hack, hiding behind his Twitter account.” In turn, Brumer has taken the true cowardly path, quietly deleting his tweet without issuing an apology.
Cross-posted at the Mental Recession