The Daily Kos, a far, far, far left-leaning group of basement dwellers, just sent out an urgent mailing, asking members to sign a petition that would “denounce the NRA, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, and the Georgia state legislature for making it legal to terrorize families in public places and community events.”
In the email, readers are told of Tuesday’s shooting at a FedEx facility in Georgia, in which six people were injured and the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot.
Then yesterday, in Cobb County, a FedEx employee arrived at work with an assault rifle, knife and bullets strapped to his chest “like Rambo” — and wounded six people. It was legal for him to bring his gun into the workplace.[Emphasis added]
Except that it wasn’t legal for him to bring his gun into the workplace. The FedEx facility, you see, was a “gun free zone.”
Via Guns Save Lives (h/t Weasel Zippers):
If you followed today’s shooting at a FedEx facility in Georgia in which six people were injured and the shooter was killed, you might have noticed something ironic in the parking lot of the building.
As you can see in the screenshot above, the building is a gun free zone.
In Georgia, signs don’t hold legal weight, but if you were a FedEx employee and violated this policy I’m sure you could be terminated. I doubt many people would take that risk.
It’s just the latest example of a mass shooting in a gun free zone.
Notice that the above-quoted paragraph from the Kos email also claims that the weapon used at the FedEx facility as an assault rifle. It was not.
Via ABC News:
An employee armed with a shotgun injured six people at a FedEx warehouse in Georgia early this morning before he ended the carnage by shooting himself, police said.
“When he was found we know that he had a shotgun. It was the only weapon he had at that time… He deceased from what we believe was a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the sergeant said.
A doctor from the facility said the wounds “appear to be [the result of] shotgun blast projectiles.”[Emphasis added]
Shotgun, shotgun, shotgun.
Back in 2013, Vice President Joe Biden told a Facebook Town Hall audience that there was never any need to own an assault rifle. Instead, he suggested arming oneself with “a double-barreled shotgun.” He would later add, “You don’t need an AR-15. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!”
Oblivious to this further self-contradiction, the Kos email also cites a story of a man walking around with a gun at a baseball game in Forsyth County, Georgia. The Kos authors claims they know the reason for the baseball game and FedEx gun incidents.
Why is all this possible? Georgia just passed HB 60 — the “Guns Everywhere Bill”—which allows owners to carry their guns in public places like restaurants, churches, bars, schools, libraries, youth centers and sports arenas. The police aren’t even allowed to stop them to ask if they have a license.
NRA-backed laws are doing nothing to stop people with assault weapons from shooting a place up, but they’re making it possible to openly menace children at baseball games.
One problem with that rationale: HB 60, while having been signed into law, does not go into effect until July 1st.
The left will continually demonize gun owners until they have decimated the second amendment, either by law or executive fiat. They will continue to use every lie in their arsenal, if they continue unopposed.
Cross-posted at The Mental Recession