Picture of the Day: Top DC Dems, including Obama, took money from Kochs

It was revealed at LU last week that New York Senator Chuck Schumer, despite his repeated attacks on the philanthropic Koch brothers, hypocritically received a campaign contribution from them in 2009.

It turns out Schumer was not the only big name Washington Dem to benefit from the Kochs’ largesse. Truth Revolt (h/t Weasel Zippers) did some digging into the publicly available records of DC pols who receive Koch money since 2006, and the list of names  includes Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Mark Pryor, and — drum roll — Barack Obama, who received $5,500. Here is the table of recipients:

Koch Brothers donations to Dems

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who mentioned the evil Kochs some 134 times on the senate floor in recent weeks, was not available for comment.

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