With a standoff between Russia and the U.S. in the headlines once again, it seems fitting to contemplate the disparity between Barack Obama’s promise to restore America’s standing in the world community and the reality that has ensued.
In November 2012, Alla Axelrod, a Russian immigrant to the U.S., wrote:
In my 32 years here, I have never seen this country shaken by such political turmoil, now especially inflamed by an election drawing closer and an economic recession at its lowest ebb in years. Every day I hear of someone being fired after years and years of service. I see more hatred toward the ruling president than I have ever seen before, and that includes the reign of the very unpopular president Carter, as well as Clinton’s notorious scandal, which was more of an amusement than a real political problem.
Now even friends and family are much more belligerent — going at each others’ throats. People are really scared for their future and that of their children….
A more succinct message that might be subtitled “From Russia with Hate” was delivered a year before Axelrod shared her impressions of America under Obama:
As long as we’re on the subject of flashbacks and Obama’s unfulfilled promise, here is a reminder that the disconnect is bidirectional. You may have to crane your neck to get a glimpse of the president’s reading material, but it is worth it. The title speaks volumes.