In the wake of the report of a government-labeled “environmentally friendly” solar power farm actually scorching birds in mid-flight, the right-of-center news portal is reporting that the severe drought hammering California’s agricultural powerhouse Central Valley was actually brought on by environmental activists in their quest to save a bait-fish, on Feb. 15, 2014.
As the planet Earth experiences normal highs and lows in the rhythm of the climate, extra-dry seasons are nothing out of the ordinary to California’s multi-billion dollar agricultural industry.
As noted:
Most of Southern California would naturally be a desert if it wasn’t for water management even in the best of years, and the Central Valley would never have become an agricultural powerhouse without it.
Hhalf a century ago, visionary state planners established a series of reservoirs, aqueducts, storage facilities, and canals to ensure that a ready supply of runoff water from Northern and Eastern California’s many snow-capped mountain ranges would be available to farmers in the face of even a five-year drought.
Nonetheless, environmental activists convinced a federal judge five years ago that in order to save the Delta Smelt from extinction, the water designated for the Central Valley would have to be diverted.
In keeping with the federal court order, 3 million acre-feet of fresh water have been diverted — directly into the Pacific Ocean. One acre-foot of water is 1′ × 66′ × 660′. The Delta Smelt is normally used by Californians as a bait-fish.
Oh, sweet irony!
Both The Independent of London, UK on Feb. 16, 2014, and Fox News on Feb. 15, 2014 reported that highly touted environmentally-friendly Ivanpah solar farm in Southern Nevada is producing a 1,000 °F “thermal flux.” Unfortunately for our feathered friends, many are actually being roasted as they unwittingly wing their way in the wrong place and time over the green energy power plant.