Misery, they say, loves company. Fittingly, NBC Miami affiliate WTVJ, followed the lead of its cable sister, MSNBC, in demonstrating its contempt for Republicans (read: “the opposition party”).
Jim Romenesko writes that on Thursday the station aired a story, the graphic for which showed a portion of web ad produced by the Republican Party of Florida where a “prankster” had replaced the word Republican with Reprehensive. Fireworks ensued, heads rolled.
The “error” (don’t you love calling it that?) was made by Capitol News Service of Tallahassee, which released a statement:
Capitol News Service takes full responsibility for an error that resulted in one of our clients, WTVJ incorrectly labeling on screen material. In a report in which we played a web ad by the Republican Party of Florida, our employees indicated it should have the on screen chyron “Reprehensive Party of Florida.” We deeply regret this incident. The people who made the error and reviewed it without catching it are no longer in our employ.
If the behavior weren’t already unseemly enough, consider that the geniuses at Capitol News Service used the wrong word in their insult. They were going for reprehensible, meaning “deserving of censure of condemnation.” The far less common reprehensive is an adjective applied to the one who does the reprehending.