Would you buy a used mom from this man?

Would you buy a used mom from this man?

The 2014 State of the Union address to the nation is in the books, Barry Dunham Obama Soetoro Marshall Davis has given America something less than an inspiring view of what we can strive for as a people, but more of little Johnny’s unrealistic dream list that’s just been breathlessly rapid-fired off to any given Mall Santa.

Without getting into the weeds on the joke that was the SOTU, there’s just two things I’d like to bring up…

Did he really say, “The son of a single mom can be President of the greatest nation on Earth”?

A “single mom” … seriously?

Michelle’s lavender husband had more fathers than St. Patrick’s.

Secondly, Michelle’s faux-husband made quite a point of deservedly highlighting the patriotism and selfless heroism of the US Army’s Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg.

One thing that wasn’t mentioned … military retirees getting screwed.

Just keep in mind that retirees fall into two categories:

Those retired with 20+ years of honorable service.

Those medically retired, like SFC Remsburg and thousands of other members of the Armed Forces who were wounded so badly in combat, they received a medical retirement.

Nary a peep from Dunham Obama Soetoro Marshall Davis regarding the COLA (Cost Of Living Allowance) gutting for military — and ONLY the military — retirees.

What was already a microscopic 1.5% increase supposedly in the works, the COLA was reduced to a barely recognizable 0.5% alleged “increase.”

The applause at the SOTU for SFC Remsburg and the military over all was nice, but as we used to say in the Marines, “don’t s**t on my shoes, and then call it a spit shine.”

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman

T. Kevin Whiteman is a retired Master Sergeant of Marines. He has written for Examiner, Conservative Firing Line, and other blogs.


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