Fake doctors love Obamacare

I’m guessing they were going for a joke. You know how absolutely hilarious Barack is, after all.

Full disclosure: I have no idea who Kal Penn is, but the quote by him beneath the Tweet also turns up at Organizing for Action, Obama’s dark money group, where he also writes:

WTF Obamacare, who are you? When I turn on the news I’m told everyone hates you, when I try to log onto your website, I feel like everyone mayyyyybe tolerates you, and when I read data and projections, I feel like everyone loves you.

New numbers released this week show additional promise which is more than I can say for cable news ratings ohhhhhhhh. Contrary to what old people on the news say, young Americans have been signing up for Obamacare and getting the health insurance that they want. From folks I’ve spoken to, the reasons are several-fold: from the insanely high cost of a hospital visit if you get into an accident and don’t have insurance, right on down to the inability to miss class and work if you make out with someone with mono (don’t judge). Accidents do happen. And if you do get sick or an accident happens to you when you don’t have insurance, it’s going to cost you way more than it needs to.

In the past, I’ve had friends who couldn’t find affordable health insurance, and I know the financial impact that can have when you’re in your 20s, especially when you’re trying to juggle a rent payment, food, and tuition. But Obamacare is starting to change that.

The old health insurance system was not awesome. The new one, as we’ve all heard, has faced its share of hurdles and surprises getting up and running, but it’s thankfully on track to be much better than the old system. Young people have started enrolling. So far, about 30% of all the people choosing a plan are under the age of 35, and that number is expected to climb, as young Americans often sign up for things closer to deadlines rather than slowly over time (yes, I’m calling you out on the all-nighter you pulled before your last paper was due… similar concept).

This stuff is important. It’s especially important right now because if you enroll by February 15th, you’ll be covered on March 1st, and that deadline is going to sneak up on you before you know it. And if you know anyone—friends, family, Twitter followers—who doesn’t have health care, share info with them on how to sign up.

Young Americans finally have better access to quality, affordable health care thanks to Obamacare. Take advantage of that, do a little light reading to get clarity on what Obamacare actually is (and isn’t), and make sure you’re covered. (BTW there’s no cure for mono, so you should still not make out with that person, even when you get insurance. Strep is probably fair game though.)

Obama laughingIt, too, ends with a joke:

Disclaimer: OFA appreciates Kal Penn’s op/ed but since he has only played fake doctors on television, don’t let him give you actual clinical advice on who you make out with.

Man, I don’t know. The economy remains in the toilet. The nation has never been so bitterly polarized. Thank God for our zany president with his won’t-quit sense of humor.

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy has written for The Blaze, HotAir, NewsBusters, Weasel Zippers, Conservative Firing Line, RedCounty, and New York’s Daily News. He has one published novel, Hot Rain, (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), and has been a guest on Radio Vice Online with Jim Vicevich, The Alana Burke Show, Smart Life with Dr. Gina, and The George Espenlaub Show.


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