The claim that women earn 77 cents for every dollar that men earn has been proven false repeatedly. There is, however, one location in the country where this facet of the supposed war on women is actually in practice. The place is the Obama White House.
[A]ccording to a Daily Caller analysis of the administration’s “2013 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff,” the White House still paid women less than men in 2013.
The analysis of the data, which, as the document notes, does not “reflect salary reductions staff have taken due to furloughs and commissioned officer salary reductions,” found that the median 2013 salary for men was $73,729, while the median salary for women was $65,000.
TheDC calculated the medians by first determining employee genders based on their names. In instances in which the name did not clearly indicate a specific gender, TheDC either identified the specific employee in other ways or assigned gender based on the most common use of a given name based on internet baby namedatabases.
From there, TheDC was able to estimate a White House gender pay gap of 11.8 percent.
An analysis of the same 2013 data by American Enterprise Institute scholar Mark Perry also revealed a gender pay gap; however, Perry’s analysis identified five fewer women and arrived at an estimated pay gap of 13 percent — with the median annual pay for women at $65,000 and $75,000 for men.