After watching the video that follows, you won’t know whether to laugh (our first instinct) or cry, but you will be tempted to call the loony bin to let them know one of its inmates escaped.
The video features Tulane University professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry. If H-P is famous for anything, it is her capacity for seeing racism everywhere she looks.
Point to a jar of pickled herring, and she’ll see racism. Every snowflake may have a unique shape, but to her each and every downy flake is a metaphor for race.
This time, however, she has gone totally bonkers. In the video, she focuses on a controversial word that has been “with us for years,” a word that “like it or not, has been indelibly printed in the pages of American history.” It is word, she tells us, that “was originally intended as derogatory,” a term that was “meant to shame, to divide, and to demean.” It was “conceived of by wealthy white men who needed to put themselves above and apart from a black man, to render him inferior and unequal, and to diminish his accomplishments.”
At this point, you assume she is speaking about someone other than Obama, who as president has accomplished little in his five years. But you would assume wrong. This is Melissa Harris-Perry, remember. In her view Obama has had “many successes,” which, tragically, this country of racists has mocked by using that dreaded word.
So what is the word? You’ll never guess it in a hundred years. Watch the video. Then after you do, lock all your doors and windows. There’s a mad woman on the loose.