Fox25 out of Boston, Mass. is reporting that the Bridgewater Badgers PeeWee football team is rallying around their diminutive “water coach” Danny Keefe, who found himself the target of cowardly bullies at school. (See video below)
Team Quarterback Tommy Cooney said at an interview with the Boston Fox affiliate that the team was a “Band of Brothers” and when he discovered one of their own was “getting picked on during recess, the team leader on and off the field took charge.
No “I” in Team…
As Cooney stated concerning the entire team coming to his brother’s defense, “we love him and we have his back.”
Danny suffers from a speech disorder known as apraxia, as well suffering from a brain hemorrhage shortly after he was born. The water coach also enjoys wearing a coat and tie to school each and every day.
That’s all it took for the schoolyard bullies to zero in on him. That’s when “Daniel’s Army” came into being.
Showing why he’s a leader on and off the field, Cooney also stated:
We all dressed up in suits and sponsored Danny because he’s been getting picked on bad at recess and we didn’t like that because he’s a band of brothers for us and he’s a good friend for us and we don’t want to see him getting picked on.
Danny’s Day…
The Bridgewater Badgers sponsored a “Danny Appreciation Day” in which the entire team showed up to school sporting coats and ties in solidarity with their teammate and brother.
As Danny’s mother intimated, when Danny went to bed the night after Danny Appreciation Day, he went to bed in tears.
His mother consoled him, asking why he was crying. Mistakenly thinking her son was overcome by sadness, instead he told his mother, “I felt so loved.”
During the interview, when Danny was asked what he thought of what the team had done, he simply and heartfully said, “I love them very much and I thank God they always have my back.”