Soccer is a violent sport. How violent? Last July, angry Brazilian fans stormed the field of play and stoned a referee to death. Afterwards they quartered and decapitated the body and paraded around the stadium with the man’s head on a pike. Of course, that was after the ref had stabbed a player to death. Violence begets violence, and all that.
For those who need more evidence, consider a story reported by Palestinian Media Watch, which reveals that soccer teams in the Palestinian territories are taking on the names of infamous jihadists. One team changed its name to that a suicide bomber who led an attack that killed 37 people, including 12 children. No word on whether the team mascot is a bloody figure waving around a machete.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the official daily newspaper of the Palestinian Authority, reported on Oct. 23, 2013:
The Media Department at the Al-Quds University in Abu Dis… conducted the draw for the Martyr (Shahid) Jahjouh Football Tournament… which will begin on Thursday at the new El-Bireh [sports] field. Eight teams from the university will participate. [The teams] were named after Martyrs and divided into two groups. The first group included [teams named after] Mu’tasim Adwan, Amer Nassar, Ghassan Kanafani, and Dalal Mughrabi. The second group included [teams named after] Younes Jahjouh, Amer Nawfal, Khaldoun Shouman and Yahya Ayyash.”
Fox News provides some insight into the identities of some of the “martyrs” who inspired the names:
- Yaha Ayyash is widely credited with being the father of Palestinian suicide terror attacks. Ayyash is often referred to as, “The Engineer.”
- Ghassan Kanafani is a former leader of terror group, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who has planned and carried out numerous attacks against civilians on Israel since 1967.
- Dalal Mughrabi is a female suicide bomber revered for leading a 1978 attack in Israel in which a public bus was hijacked and 37 civilians were killed, including 12 children.
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