President Obama’s Democratic Party-owned weakness makes wars more likely, frequent and deadly. Appeasement increases the likelihood that more vets will also need to be remembered on Memorial Days.
Ninety-five years ago today, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, an armistice ended the War to End All Wars. Or so the world hoped.
Sadly, a German people, protected by the ceasefire from fully experiencing in their homeland the havoc they had wrecked upon their neighbors, would follow Adolph Hitler on another megalomaniacal tour of Europe and other points south to Africa and east to Asia with Atlantic U-boat cruises west against American shipping thrown in for good measure.
Pearl Harbor-educated exceptional American veterans would finally accept the Führer’s invitation to the Deutschland and truly end world wars of a kind, thanks to an arsenal of democracy (including the first atomic bombs) built by free market capitalists, the will of a Judeo-Christian people stirred to stamp out fascist evil, and the leadership of one of its greatest presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Many vets that fell to secure peace in Europe and Hawaii are memorialized each May. Many vets that would have been so remembered, haven’t been due to the resolute wills of those that fought a Cold War until the bear in the Soviet woods had been slain, and hot wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Islamist lands from Iraq to Afghanistan.
But what fate awaits today’s and future veterans when terrorists and their Hillary-re-set-Russian allies witness appeasement of al Qaeda’s Muslim Brotherhood-progenitors in Egypt, Russia’s WMD-using ally in Syria and the number one exporter of terror on earth with the lifting of sanctions just as they near the completion of their nuclear-nation goal? Israel warns:
When Iran’s ideological Islamist allies struck on 9/11 they didn’t have WMD on the hijacked planes. They used what they had to kill as many innocent Americans as they could. Only heroic efforts by the NYPD and FDNY kept the death toll at a still horrific 3000. And had the van carrying the bomb underneath the World Trade Center in 1993 exploded less than 100 yards further inside the parking garage, it would have toppled one tower into another and killed over 40,000.
There is no reason to suspect that the Seventh Imam-apocalypse-seeking Iranian mullahs will hesitate to use nuclear weapons either directly against the United States or indirectly in strategic ways that force America to war.
Weakness invites aggression. Libya was let out of the box President George W. Bush had placed him in after Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi had unilaterally surrendered his WMD, scared by the spectacle of Saddam Hussein hiding in a rat hole from American veterans. Why else does Syria not fear red lines drawn by President Barack Hussein Obama? They saw him surrender gains from American blood in Iraq. After the successful surge, U.S. bases in Iraq would have served to deter terrorists and provide quick-strike capability against them. But they were summarily and absent-mindedly surrendered by an Obama preoccupied with paternalistic wars on coal and the private health insurance industry. Hillary Clinton surrendered Benghazi with “what difference does it make” as President Obama prepared for a campaign fundraiser trip to Vegas.
When we honor out vets today, we can only hope that our Chief Executive remembers that the government shutdown is over and doesn’t lapse back into building BarryCades around war memorials in order to force Republicans to bend to his Obamacare, amnesty-for-illegals, or War-on-cheap-energy-for-the-poor will.
God bless America and the protectors God blessed us with this Veterans Day.
Mike DeVine‘s @ Joe For
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