Warning: Following article is not for the fainthearted.
Of the many unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust, one of the most depraved was the use of human babies for target practice. In his Holocaust memoir, “Night,” Elie Wiesel, himself a concentration camp survivor, writes that Jewish infants at Auschwitz were wrested from their mothers’ bosoms and flung into the air like clay pigeons.
In January 2013, Barack Obama paid tribute to the victims of the Holocaust by vowing to “stand in the way of any tyrant or dictator who commits crimes against humanity,” invoking the refrain of “never again.”
A new and shocking report out of war-torn Syria suggests the president’s resolve is about to be tested once again. Mail Online reports that snipers working for Assad regime have gone the Nazi’s one better on the scale of depraved indifference by aiming their rifles at the uterus of pregnant Syrian civilians and killing both the mother and unborn child with a single shot. The shooter’s marksmanship is rewarded with cigarettes.
Sara Malm, the article’s author, interviewed Dr. David Nott, a British surgeon, who recently returned from a stint as a volunteer at a Syrian hospital and reports a litany of horrors:
From the first patients that came in in the morning, you could almost tell what you would see for the rest of the day. It was a game.
One day it would be shots to the groin. The next, it would only be the left chest. The day after, we would see no chest wounds; they were all neck [wounds].
Nott said that in his 20 years of providing medical assistance in war zones, this is the first time he had witnessed pregnant women being targeted. One day, he glumly observes, two patients arrived at his clinic, one right after the other, both in late stages of pregnancy, carrying dead fetuses within.
The women were all shot through the uterus, so that must have been where they were aiming for. I can’t even begin to tell you how awful it was.
Usually, civilians are caught in the crossfire. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this. This was deliberate. It was hell beyond hell.
The ball is squarely in Obama’s court. In September, the Assad regime crossed the red line Obama had set a year earlier, but the president — after much whining and denial and finger pointing — backed off. Luckily for him, the Russians stepped in and relieved the pressure. This time the human rights abuses are hundreds of times worse. Will Obama act or bury his head in the sand?
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