Despite some spin doctors in Washington, D.C., touting a drop in the number of those the Federal government qualifies as unemployed, the harsh reality is that the numbers of Americans with part-time or temporary jobs are at historic record highs, as reported by The Washington Examiner on July 8, 2013.
If the American people thought things couldn’t get any worse, the top employer in the nation is the big-box discount store Wal-Mart.
Things Just Got Worse…
Any hopes of a company that actually made something were shattered when it came to light that the number two employer in the nation is Kelly Services, a temporary work provider.
Last Friday’s jobs report noted that 28 million fellow citizens now working part-time only have hit historic levels. Yet part-time employment isn’t the only record high. The number of workers not relying on temporary or contract employment has peaked so far at 2.86 million.
Thank You For Shopping at Ameri-Mart…
Research conducted by the University of Michigan reveals that the American economy has shifted in the past fifty years from that of manufacturing durable goods to that of the service industry. One and two generations ago (1960 and 1980), examples of the highest employers included General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, Exxon, US Steel, and Ford Motor Corporation.
Critics of Barack Obama’s economic plan have often criticized him for stymieing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta, Canada to Houston, Texas. The Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives state that construction of the pipeline would result in 120,000 direct and indirect jobs for Americans.
The Dallas Morning News also reported in June 2012 that the Obama administration frowned upon procedure of “fracking” (hydraulic fracturing) for natural gas has the potential to create upwards of 1.5 million direct new jobs.
It’s also been argued that with a new American energy boom, many companies that left the United States for greener pastures overseas would re-relocate because of much lower energy costs, possibly spurring millions upon millions of new manufacturing jobs.