MSM: Murder less newsworthy than sexual orientation

MSM: Murder less newsworthy than sexual orientation

Jason Collins's 'coming out' deemed more newsworthy than late-term abortion
Jason Collins’s ‘coming out’ deemed more newsworthy than late-term abortion

Which is more important, the fact that an abortion clinic told a woman to flush her baby down the toilet after a botched abortion or that an NBA player has come out as gay?

As of 2:45 PM CT, the top headlines at CNN and MSNBC were about the NBA player.

NBA Center Makes History,” purported NBC News. CNN read, “NBA Player comes out as gay.” CBS followed suit, and ABC also featured it as a top news item. Meanwhile, nowhere on their front pages was any mention of the appalling news that an abortion clinic encouraged a woman to flush her baby down the toilet.

FOX News gave the story a front page mention, though it was not a top headline. According to Fox,

A New York abortion counselor advised a woman who was considering a late-term abortion to flush the baby down the toilet in the event the child survived the procedure and a Washington, D.C. abortion provider refused to offer assistance in the result of a live-birth abortion, according to an undercover video sting by a national pro-life organization.

That the media believes coming out as homosexual is more important than murdering an innocent baby should surprise no one. After all, it took weeks for the media to finally give commensurate attention to Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor who murdered babies post-birth by cutting their spines.

Under what moral code is flushing babies down the toilet not as newsworthy as an individual’s sexual orientation?

David Weinberger

David Weinberger

David Weinberger previously worked at the Heritage Foundation. He currently resides in the Twin Cities, and he blogs at


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