Climate change will also cause “poor reproductive health” (aka: no abortions).
Due to climate change, certain congressional Democrats are warning that the lack of food and water could cause poor women into the clutches of the world’s oldest profession (and, no, I don’t mean community organizing!), bartering sex for food, The Hill reports.
Leading the charge in warning the world of meteorological-induced prostitution, California’s Representative Barbara Lee (D) has her signature first among twelve other Democrats on House Congressional Resolution 36 (H. Con. Res. 36).
According to the grim prognosis, climate change, if unchecked, will lead to d
rought and reduced agricultural output, both of which
can be particularly harmful for women.
H. Con. Res 36 warns:
Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.
Background Info On Climate Change…
Of dubious credibility, climate change was initially a warning to the world in the 1970s of an impending Ice Age.
When glaciers failed to materialize in Miami, certain career grad students shifted gears in the ’90s and warned anyone who would listen of impending global warming. With the failure of the Greenland Ice Sheet to melt, l’apocalypse du jour has since become known under the all-encompassing tag of climate change.
Despite not having as much as a two-year associates degree in either climatology or meteorology, the most prominent advocate of climate change is former Vice President Al Gore.
During the 2000 Presidential Election, Gore came within 500 votes of becoming the President of the United States.