Take that, you cynics on the right! (And that and that and that!) The president of the United States silenced scoffers once before by releasing his birth certificate. Now he has done it again.
The Weekly Standard reports that on Saturday, the administration released an official photo of the president firing at “clay targets on the range at Camp David, Md.” The photo, dated Aug. 4, 2012, is by White House photographer Pete Souza and carries this caption:
This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
There is no language to the effect that the photo resolves once and for all questions about the president’s honesty raised by the enemies of the state at FOX News and similar ‘entertainment’ outlets, though comments Obama made as recently as last week suggest its absence may be the result of an overzealous editor.
But back to the photo and what we can learn from it. Judging from the horizontal position of the shotgun barrel and the puff of smoke — indicating that it has just been fired — one can deduce that Obama is aiming at a stationary target. That’s more akin to shooting fish in a barrel than it is to skeet shooting, but give the man credit. For all his bluster about gun control, he appreciates the palpable pleasure of pointing and squeezing off a round. Just don’t get in his way when he’s armed.
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