Venezuela, Cuba: Chavez deathwatch

Venezuela, Cuba: Chavez deathwatch

CaptureHugo Chavez has not been seen in public for a month, after departing for Cuba where supposedly he went for a fourth surgery. His Twitter account has been silent since November 1, 2012, when he used to Twitter frequently.

Rumors are being leaked, but by whom? The Cuban government? Someone close to Chavez? Apparently the doctors treating him are not allowed to leave the hospital grounds, and no one in their right mind would chance getting caught. . . unless approved by someone on high.

Keep that in mind as you read this, which was originally published in Spanish newspaper ABC and Carlos Eirenow translates:

According to Univision and Spain’s ABC, Hugo Chavez is now in a “severe” condition.  New details leaked yesterday include the following:

* In the five weeks following his latest surgery, Chavez has lost around 20 kilos (44 pounds), and looks so emaciated that if photos were to be released, panic would ensue among his followers.

* During surgery, he suffered a heart attack.

* In addition to removing part of his intestines, surgeons removed his prostate.

* Contrary to a recent AP report, he is no longer at the elite CIMEQ hospital, but at an underground bunker hospital beneath the Plaza of the Revolution — a facility built for Fidel.  (If this is true, then the AP fluff piece featured here yesterday  must have been a clumsy smokescreen spun by the Ministry of Truth and obediently reproduced by AP).

At this rate, who ever is leaking this ought to be in an “underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, under the brick and steel of a non-descript building.”

Related, IN SPANISH:

Jaime Bayly talks to an exiled Cuban doctor who explains the treatment that may have been rendered to Chavez


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