Steven Crowder places wife under armed guard after 'severe' threats

Steven Crowder places wife under armed guard after 'severe' threats

On Thursday, Steven Crowder issued a tweet saying that his wife is under armed guard after receiving “severe” threats.

“Right now I have a former police officer, heavily armed at my house protecting my wife. The threats are severe. Prayers appreciated,” he tweeted.

Predictably, liberal union supporters on Twitter responded with the usual hate, Twitchy said.

“You stand with evil Koch brothers making up lies, assauting people and cry when you get death threats awww hope you die soon whore (sic),” tweeted “William A. Hunter.”

Despite video clearly showing Crowder being assaulted, liberal union supporters claim that Crowder initiated the assault in a systematic effort to accuse the accusers.

Dana Loesch wrote that Robert Mackey of the New York Times published a “suggestive piece” implying that “Crowder ‘selectively edited’ his video in a way to hide some manner of complicity in his own attack.”

“What the extra footage reveals is the man who punched Mr. Crowder being knocked to the ground seconds before and then getting up and taking a swing at the comedian,” Mackey wrote.

“Mackey specifically chooses the words ‘being knocked to the ground’ to describe Tony’s state and thus implies that Crowder did it — with zero proof, of course. Mackey has spent more time on Tony’s state than what is clearly seen on the video: a mob attack on Crowder,” Loesch wrote.

She then dissected a portion of the video frame by frame to show that Crowder did not push the assailant, identified as possibly being one Tony Camargo, a member of the IBEW.

On Thursday, the conservative group Americans for Prosperity filed a police complaint over the destruction of a tent they had set up in Lansing. The tent was destroyed during the same melee in which Crowder was assaulted.


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Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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