Tweet of the Day: Women birth half the population?

Tweet of the Day: Women birth half the population?
Nelini Stamp

The tweet was authored by Nelini Stamp, an organizer for the Women’s March and participant in yesterday’s Day Without Women strike. At least one presumes she attended, which also presupposes she was able to find her way to whatever prearranged location her group had single out as a starting point — which is supposing a lot. (When you get to the tweet, you’ll see what I mean.)

An article at Yahoo News further identifies Stamp as a leader of the Trump resistance, an alumna of Occupy Wall Street alum, and national membership director of something called the Working Families Party.

One of her contributions to yesterday’s demonstration was this tweet, which gave a few people on Twitter a chuckle:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Here are some of the reactions:

I say give Stamp credit. Half of her tweet is more or less correct. Which, I guess, makes her a half-tweet.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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