Ben Bowles gamely reported earlier on the woman in Iowa who’s been charged with “election misconduct” after she voted twice for Donald Trump.
She certainly shouldn’t have done that. Fortunately, voting misconduct is uncommon among Republicans – as opposed to its much greater incidence among Democrats. But no one should be doing it, and whenever a voter (or a registration worker, or anyone else in a position to mess with the vote) is caught and charged with misconduct, so much the better. (Note: I haven’t been able to verify that the woman in question, Terri L. Rote, is registered as a Republican, but the Des Moines Register describes her as one.)
Another woman has gotten a lot less publicity for voting twice for Trump this past week. That’s probably because she ended up doing it when the voting machine at her polling place in Maryland changed her vote from Trump to Clinton.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
She noticed this had happened when she got her print-out. She told an Infowars reporter afterward that she went to a poll worker and explained her problem, and was told to just go vote again. So she did. This time, the print-out showed that her vote wasn’t changed.
We don’t know if her original ballot was canceled, but we can reasonably hope it was. If it wasn’t, that makes her presidential vote a wash. But some other lucky Republicans got two votes out of the deal.
Early voters have already reported machine vote-flipping problems in Maryland, Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Independent Sentinel has a compilation of voter videos showing machines that won’t accept the desired vote for a Republican candidate. There’ve been a few reports (see Georgia, above) of machines not accepting votes for Democratic candidates.
So, you know, good luck with your vote, dudes. Keep in mind, if you do manage to vote for the candidate of your choice, you could still be outvoted by a lot of dead people, illegal voters, ballot tampering, unregistered rent-a-voters bused around to cast “provisional ballots” wherever, or Sudden Ballot Stash Syndrome, which seems to strike most often where there’s a tight race somewhere and a Democrat is a few hundred votes behind.
As Ben pointed out, nothing seems to galvanize Democrats to accept policy measures that would keep the vote honest and reliable.
The Obama administration is all for having Jeh Johnson’s Department of Homeland Security supervise it all from Washington. But voter ID, poll-watchers, verification of a voter’s identity and eligibility before his “provisional” vote counts? A thousand times no; that’s the position of Democrats. And don’t even think about eliminating computer-controlled voting machines that can be programmed to cook the vote subtly and undetectably. Go back to paper, and you might get – horrors – hanging chad.