Try putting up a copy of the Ten Commandments — the code on which American law is largely based — outside a public building and liberals will scold you. “Don’t you dare mix church and state!” they’ll admonish. “The Constitution says so.”
It doesn’t really, but those on the left quickly forget about their moral outrage and opposition when the church is a mosque. Kansas writes:
A display outlining the five pillars of Islam has been removed by Wichita school officials after some parents took issue with the visual following the first day of class at Minneha Core Knowledge magnet school last week.
Susan Arensman, marketing and communications director for Wichita Public Schools, acknowledged that Minneha had created a visual display of the five pillars of the Islamic faith, but said it was part of a curriculum the magnet school has utilized for years. Students study Islam, as well as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism in the historical and geographical context of understanding the development of civilizations.
‘The bulletin board that originally caused the concern does represent the five pillars of Islam – in a historical context of their studies,’ Arensman said. ‘There is also a painting of the Last Supper hanging in the school as part of the study of art and the Renaissance period.’
But some parents aren’t satisfied, claiming that the school is telling only part of the story about the “religion of peace.” One parent who identified herself as Jewish said that if students are going to be taught about Islam, they should also be made aware of what she views as its violent ideology.
But Arensman contends that that’s not what the district is aiming for:
The purpose is not to explore the matters of theology, but to understand the place of religion and religious ideas in history.
But what then is Arensman’s recipe for teaching about the deadly attacks of Sept. 11, 2001? Does she simply omit from the historical narrative any mention of the fact that the 19 hijackers and planners of the attack were Muslim and carried out the deadly mission in the name of Islam?