California judge rules rapist deserves ‘dignity,’ must be called by preferred pronouns

California judge rules rapist deserves ‘dignity,’ must be called by preferred pronouns

A California judge has ordered that alleged rapist Tremaine Carroll must be referred to by “she/her” pronouns because he has declared himself to be a woman and “deserves dignity,” reports The Daily Wire:

Carroll is on trial for allegedly impregnating one female inmate and raping two others after he claimed to be a woman — which, according to California law, requires him to be housed in a women’s prison despite having no psychological or medical evaluations to back up his claim — and a Madera County judge has now ordered everyone, including his alleged victims, to accommodate his pronoun choice

Madera District Attorney Sally Moreno charged Carroll with rape, which he allegedly committed while he was incarcerated at Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla — where he was placed based solely on his self-identification as a woman.

“After his first cellmate became pregnant and was moved to Los Angeles, two other cellmates of his had complained that he had raped them, so we have filed rape charges against this inmate,” Moreno said.

She went on to explain that Carroll’s self-identification was not just an insult to his alleged victims, but it also complicated the case against him regarding the alleged rapes: “This is a particular issue in this case because it’s confusing to the jury. In California, rape is a crime that has to be accomplished by a man.”….

“It’s just absolutely insane that a victim would have to get on the stand and police their pronoun usage when trying to recite one of the scariest times of their lives,” Supervising Deputy District Attorney Eric Dutemple said, explaining that it was an added measure of cruelty to Carroll’s alleged victims to force them to accommodate his pronoun preferences while testifying in a case where Carroll had used his identity to gain access to them.

Many transgender inmates committed sex crimes even before being incarcerated. Half of the supposedly “transgender women” in the Wisconsin prison system had been convicted of sex crimes.

“A transgender female pedophile who filmed her seven year-old daughter being sexually abused for horrific porn videos is being housed in a New Jersey women’s prison despite still having a penis,” reported the London Daily Mail:

Marina Volz, 34, is serving her 25 year sentence at the notorious Edna Mahan Correctional Facility alongside her accomplice Ashley Romero, 30, who joined in the abuse of the girl. Volz, born a man named Matthew, is now recorded as ‘female’ in official prison records, with her presence at Edna Mahan said to be causing terror among biological women housed there….Volz, Romero and two others were found guilty for their roles in sexually abusing Volz’s daughter in the basement of her New Jersey home as part of a scheme to create pornographic films. Volz, who ran a transgender fetish porn studio, took the youngster from her mother’s home in Oregon, then brought her back to New Jersey, where she was subjected to horrific sexual abuse, the details of which are too graphic to repeat.

There are at least 122 transgender sexual predators who could end up preying on women in women’s prisons under similar policies. For example, Karen White is a double rapist who was previously convicted of indecent assault and gross indecency with a child. White was later housed in a women’s prison where White sexually assaulted the female inmates.

As we noted in 2022,

In 2021, a transgender inmate raped a female prisoner while in the women’s section of a New York City jail. The New York Post reported that the transgender inmate — who was housed in the female section of the facility — approached a 33-year-old female inmate in the bathroom, after the victim had just finished showering. The transgender inmate then held the victim down by the neck and raped her. Similarly, a British transgender inmate sexually assaulted a woman, and sexually molested other female inmates, over a three-month period.

Yet, recently a pedophile rapist was placed in a women’s prison in Washington State based on claiming to be transgender. Never mind the fact that when transgender sex criminals are placed in women’s prisons, they can sexually harass, abuse, or impregnate the inmates.

The Glinner Update provides a copious list of transgender sex offenders, illustrating that there are transgender “women” who pose a risk to women if allowed to use female-only spaces, given their commission of sex crimes before, and in some cases after, their gender transition.

For example, Xena Grandichelli, formerly known as Jeffrey Willsea, was convicted of first-degree sexual abuse and aggravated second-degree sexual abuse (eleven counts in total) for sexually abusing a 3-year-old girl. Grandichelli began claiming to be transgender while incarcerated. After being released Grandicelli became a much-lauded trans activist and  volunteered for AVP, the ‘largest anti-LGBTQ violence organization’ in the United Kingdom.

Kristen Lukess, formerly known as Mark Turton, was convicted of two counts of raping an underage child. While incarcerated he began ‘identifying as female’ and changed his name to Kristen Lukess. Based on his new identity, he was able to to live with a woman and her 11-year-old child.

In 1978 Patrick Trimble kidnapped two nine-year-old girls, tying them up and forcing them into his vehicle. He drove them to a rural area and forced each child to perform an indecent act on him before penetrating one of the little girls with his finger and with his genitals. He was convicted of kidnapping, sodomy, rape and sexual abuse in the first degree.

In prison he routinely tortured, sexually assaulted and prostituted his vulnerable cell mate, Jerry James Everett, who was awaiting trial for stealing a car. According to a 1982 court document, Trimble forced Everett to have both oral and anal sex with him and humiliated him in various ways for the entertainment of other prisoners. Trimble also pimped Everett to other inmates for sex and regularly tortured him, making deep gashes in his flesh and placing lit matches between his toes.

In 2015 Trimble began identifying as trans and using the name Patricia a few years later. Trimble has become a vocal trans activist and has written extensively about and lobbied for prison reform. Trimble is now described as “a transgender feminist, activist, and advocate for the incarcerated LGBTQ community.”

In March 2018 Katie Dolatowski sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in the bathroom at a supermarket in Kirkcaldy in Scotland, grabbing the girl by the face, forcing her into a bathroom stall, and threatening to stab her if she did not undress.

Dolatowski was convicted of voyeurism and sexual assault and was given a three-year community payback order, placed on the sex offender register, and told to stay away from children. In 2019, Dolatowski was back in court for deleting the internet history on Dolatowski’s phone on two occasions, because that history that would reveal alarming internet searches.

In 2022 Dolatowski was admitted to in a domestic violence shelter for women and children after tricking the center’s staff by using a false name and pretending to be an abuse victim to gain access.

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