Cartoon of the Day: By The Book

Kavanaughing Hegseth

A.F. Branco – Democrats are Kavanaughing the Trump nomination for Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, with a lot of anonymous accusations right out of their dirty playbook. The military complex swamp monsters are terrified of this guy.

“Bullsh*t. 100 Percent Bullsh*t. Actually… Horsesh*t.” – Will Cain DESTROYS NBC’s Latest Bogus Anonymous Hit Piece on Pete Hegseth

NBC News, known for its many Trump conspiracies and fake news reports, published a disgusting hit piece against Pete Hegseth, President Trump’s nominee for Defense Secretary.
The knives have been out for Pete since his nomination since he is not a member of the military-industrial complex and does not believe in blowing trillions of dollars on losing war war after war and surrendering to 8th-century barbarians.
Hegseth scares the hell out of the Deep State so they are trying… READ MORE

A. F. Branco

A. F. Branco

A. F. Branco's syndicated cartoons appear at many websites, including Legal Insurrection. His work may also be found at his own website, Comically Incorrect.


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